Serving Michigan individuals and families in need a helping hand with home maintenance and repairs.   image

Serving Michigan individuals and families in need a helping hand with home maintenance and repairs.

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St Joseph's Helpers is a nonprofit organization, founded on Christian values, composed of men and women who volunteer their time and talents to help those in need to feel safe and secure in their homes

Each call we receive is unique, the repairs remain similar. Every client's story is different, and when we listen with our heart, we will figure out what is the best way to serve our clients!

St Joseph's Helpers focus is on our elderly, our veterans, people with disabilities, and those in our community who just need a helping hand.

As we continue to serve clients in Southeastern Michigan communities, and Central Kentucky, It is rarely just about the home repair, it is more than that. Sometimes a simple repair that makes the client feel safe, it gives them peace of mind. Sometimes it is being there, our volunteers companionship, comforting someone who may have lost hope. There are many people who don't know where to turn to get the help they need with some vary basic home repairs.

With your kind donation, we can continue to change the lives of our clients, and help them to maintain safety in their homes, and keep their independence.